Data Dictionary For API V2

A response is a message consisting of a standard HTTP header and body. The body of the message contains the detail of the message (e.g. the JSON data with email verification detail). The header of the message contains general HTTP information such as HTTP status codes.

Response Body Content

Field Name Type Description Example Data
result string Main Status Response Codes Bad
reason string Additional Status Codes MailboxDoesNotExist
role bool Is a Role Address? false
free bool Is a Free Mail? true
disposable bool Is a DEA? false
email string The email address supplied to the request.
domain string The domain of an email address.
user string The user of an email address. john.doe
mailServerLocation string Server location. ISO 3166 country codes. US
duration integer The elapsed time(ms) to execute the query. 649

Main Status Response Codes

Ok:Verification passes all checks including Syntax, DNS, MX, Mailbox, Deep Server Configuration, Grey Listing
Bad:Verification fails checks for definitive reasons (e.g. mailbox does not exist)
RetryLater:Conclusive verification result cannot be achieved at this time. Please try again later. - This is ShutDowns, IPBlock, TimeOuts
Unverifiable:Conclusive verification result cannot be achieved due to mail server configuration or anti-spam measures. See table “Additional Status Codes”.

Additional Status Codes


No additional information is available.

This status differs from a TransientNetworkFault as it should not be retried (the result will not change).

There are a few known reasons for this status code for example the target mx record uses Office 365 or a mail provider implementing custom mailbox shutdowns.


The required ‘@’ sign is not found in email address.


The domain (i.e. the bit after the ‘@’ character) defined in the email address does not exist, according to DNS records.

A domain that does not exist cannot have email boxes. A domain that does not exist cannot have email boxes.


The domain is a well known Disposable Email Address DEA.

There are many services available that permit users to use a one-time only email address. Typically, these email addresses are used by individuals wishing to gain access to content or services requiring registration of email addresses but same individuals not wishing to divulge their true identities (e.g. permanent email addresses).

DEA addresses should not be regarded as valid for email send purposes as it is unlikely that messages sent to DEA addresses will ever be read.


Grey Listing is in operation. It is not possible to validate email boxes in real-time where grey listing is in operation.


The mailbox is full.

Mailboxes that are full are unable to receive any further email messages until such time as the user empties the mail box or the system administrator grants extra storage quota.

Most full mailboxes usually indicate accounts that have been abandoned by users and will therefore never be looked at again.

We do not recommend sending emails to email addresses identified as full.


The mailbox does not exist.

100% confidence that the mail box does not exist.


There are no mail servers defined for this domain, according to DNS.

Email addresses cannot be valid if there are no email servers defined in DNS for the domain.


The server does not support international mailboxes.

International email boxes are those that use international character sets such as Chinese / Kanji etc.

International email boxes require systems in place for Punycode translation.

Where these systems are not in place, email verification or delivery is not possible.

For further information see Punycode.


The server is configured for catch all and responds to all email verifications with a status of Ok.

Mail servers can be configured with a policy known as Catch All. Catch all redirects any email address sent to a particular domain to a central email box for manual inspection. Catch all configured servers cannot respond to requests for email address verification.


Successful verification.

100% confidence that the mailbox exists.


Too many ‘@’ signs found in email address.

Only one ‘@’ character is allowed in email addresses.


The reason for the verification result is unknown.


A temporary network fault occurred during verification. Please try again later.

Verification operations on remote mail servers can sometimes fail for a number of reasons such as loss of network connection, remote servers timing out etc.

These conditions are usually temporary. Retrying verification at a later time will usually result in a positive response from mail servers.

Please note that setting an infinite retry policy around this status code is inadvisable as there is no way of knowing when the issue will be resolved within the target domain or the grey listing resolved, and this may affect your daily quota.


A possible spam trap email address or domain has been detected.

Spam traps are email addresses or domains deliberately placed on-line in order to capture and flag potential spam based operations.

Our advanced detection heuristics are capable of detecting likely spam trap addresses or domains known to be associated with spam trap techniques.

We do not recommend sending emails to addresses identified as associated with known spam trap behaviour.

Sending emails to known spam traps or domains will result in your ESP being subjected to email blocks from a DNS Block List.

An ESP cannot tolerate entries in a Block List (as it adversely affects email deliverability for all customers) and will actively refuse to send emails on behalf of customers with a history of generating entries in a Block List.

Response Header

HTTP Status Codes

In additional to the application level codes (see Main Status Response Codes and Additional Status Codes) returned in the HTTP message body, HTTP status codes are returned in the HTTP header.

200:Call successful.
400:Bad request. The server could not understand the request. Perhaps missing a license key or an email to check? Conditions that lead to this error are: No license key supplied, no email address supplied, email address > 255 characters, license key in incorrect format.
401:Possible reasons: The provided license key is not valid, the provided license key has expired, you have reached your quota capacity for this account, this account has been disabled.
50x:An error occurred on the server. Possible reasons are: license key validation failed or a general server fault.